Thank you

Hi Steve,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your website. I have a little experience hand-building, but decided to try throwing pots for the first time at MudFire Studios in Atlanta this summer and I am in love. But since then, I have been trying to figure out how I will be able to continue and build upon what I have learned. I have been searching for a reasonably priced wheel and was afraid to buy the Shimpo Aspire because it didn't look sturdy enough to me. I had tested out the the Whisper and loved it, but it is not in my budget right now. With your reviews, I will buy the Aspire with confidence.

Also, your videos are awesome! Your tone of voice, passion for your craft and even a humbleness in your demeanor seems to put me at ease. I am an art educator myself and find that is important when teaching students to have the confidence to try something new. You seem very patient, wish you were closer!

I have subscribed to your videos on You Tube and will subscribe to your website.

Thank you for sharing what you love,


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Dec 06, 2014
Thank YOU!
by: Steve

Wow Stephanie!
Thanks so much for the wonderful kind words. So glad that you're finding ways to continue doing pottery.
And yes, I love that little Shimpo Aspire. The only trick with it is that because it doesn't have is own stand you have to do some experimenting to get the height right. This depends a lot on your own height, of course.
The cool thing is that if you put it on a table, for most people, it's just the right height to throw standing up or with a bar stool!

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