Beth Peterson - WingedBlue Arts
by Beth Peterson
Laced Rutile -- thrown pot with sprigged lacing
The Speckled Band --- wax resist used in creating decorative motif
Hi World!! I consider myself primarily an artist (I work in other media as well as clay). Clay is by far my preferred media, though. I *love* it!! My logo, a winged blue horse, symbolizes the rush and feeling of creative power and freedom I get when bringing an internal idea into two- or three-dimensional reality.
I currently am doing more functional work on the wheel, but also do a lot of handbuilding (usually slab building). The larger slab-built pieces are often decorated with paintings done using underglazes, slips and/or stains.
I have also done a lot of sculptural work, from miniatures to environmental sculpture. I really hope to get back to those roots this coming winter.... Too many ideas bound through my head for me to keep up with!! (Thank goodness for sketch journaling!)
I also write about clay for I had found writing about clay, talking with other potters around the world, and getting the chance to see some fantastic work I never would have seen otherwise almost as rewarding as working in my studio, myself!
Hurray for Clay!!